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Our goal is to provide a safe environment where children will experience the love of God through Jesus Christ and discover that they are a unique and very important part of God’s family.

Bible lessons, music and fun activities are geared to help children grow in their faith and also emphasize the importance of sharing that faith in the world by our actions and service to others.


The safety and security of our children is very important to us. All of our volunteers and staff have up to date criminal record and child abuse clearances and attend a required yearly training and review of our church safety policies.

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Sunday Mornings for Kids

We have returned to in-person children's activities on Sunday mornings! The nursery and splash room will remain closed until more families return to in-person worship and express a need for child care during the worship services. 

Drawing & Coloring

During the 8:45 & 11 am Sunday worship services

For Kindergarten – Grade 3

After the Message for Growing Christians, PRAYGROUND will be held at the front of the Sanctuary during the 8:45 service, and at the back of the Fiesta Center at the 11:00 service. Quiet activities will be available at a table so children who need a little something extra during worship can remain present and learn how to worship.

Sunday School
Sunday School

Sundays, 10 - 11 am between worship services

Room 4/5

For age 2 - Grade 6

Children will learn a story and do some activities as a group. Other activities will be geared for different ages  where children will be divided into smaller groups.


To join the Sunday School email list, contact Kelly Lynn at

United Methodist Church of West Chester 2023

129 S. High Street, West Chester, PA 19382    610-692-5190
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