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Music  at UMCWC

At the United Methodist Church of West Chester, we have an exciting music ministry for all ages and talents. In addition to traditional choirs and ensembles, we have a Praise Team (which includes instrumentalists), handbell choirs and a worship orchestra.

Music for Kids and Youth

Music for Adults

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Karen Rotz, Director

Hope Choir

For 4 & 5 year olds
Meets Wednesdays, 6:30 - 7 pm

Children will learn basic singing and musical skills as well as learning songs for worship. The choir sings in worship about every other month and at holidays..

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Tom Sabatino, Director

Junior Choir

For 3rd - 5th Graders
Meets Wednesdays, 6:30 - 7:00 pm

​More advanced singing skills such as part singing and vocal production are emphasized. The children also learn more about connecting the music to the words and applying them to their daily lives. This choir sings in worship on select Sundays and presents a musical in May.

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Chancel Choir

Tom Sabatino, Director

Rehearses Thursdays, 6:30 pm - 8:00pm

The Chancel Choir carries with it a long tradition of choral singing and ministry. The choir sings a variety of musical styles centering around classical and traditional choral music. Choir members experience good choral techniques, group vocal building, and other musical skills while keeping a focus on ministry to the congregation. The Chancel Choir sings every Sunday at the 8:45 am worship service and presents several special music events through the church year.

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Praise Team

Tom Sabatino, Music Leader

Rehearses Wednesdays 7:00pm to 8:00pm in the Fiesta Center.

The Praise Team, singers and instrumentalists, provides special music and leads singing at the 11 am Contemporary Worship Service on Sunday mornings. Keyboards, guitar, bass and drums make up the band which accompanies the praise and worship music. The group sings and plays a variety of Contemporary Christian music styles.


Carillon Choir

Daniel Rotz, Director

Rehearses Wednesdays, 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm

The Carillon Choir ministers to the congregation in worship on a monthly basis playing original compositions as well as arrangements of favorite hymns and choruses. The choir enjoys sharing creative and more advanced handbell techniques. On occasion, the choir takes their joy of ringing to other events and churches.

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Men's Ensemble

Tom Sabatino, Director

All men are welcome to participate in the ensemble. Meets on a select Saturday mornings and sing during worship on select Sundays.

United Methodist Church of West Chester 2023

129 S. High Street, West Chester, PA 19382    610-692-5190
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